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Semana Nacional de los Centros de Salud || Del 6 al 12 de agosto | 2023

6 de agosto

Some Community Health Centers receive grant support for the federal Public Housing Primary Care (PHPC) program, a special population designation. The mission of the PHPC program is to provide residents of public housing with increased access to comprehensive primary health care and disease prevention services. In 2021, more than 5.7 million Community Health Center patients were served at a location in or immediately accessible to a public housing site. The National Center for Health in Public Housing (NCHPH) provides training and technical assistance to PHPC grantees. The goal is to increase capacity and improve the performance of HRSA-supported Health Center Programs and other safety net providers in meeting the specialized healthcare needs of public housing residents. NCHPH has developed materials for training and education, disseminated best practices, and mentored new grantees.

7 de agosto | Día de la atención sanitaria a las personas sin hogar

Although all Community Health Centers provide care to vulnerable people in their communities – including some experiencing homelessness – more than 200 organizations receive targeted funding from the Health Care for the Homeless (HCH) program to meet the needs of those living without stable housing. Collectively, Community Health Centers serve nearly 1.3 million individuals experiencing homelessness each year, a vast majority of whom seek care from HCH grantee organizations.

Las personas sin hogar padecen tasas más elevadas de enfermedades crónicas y agudas, trastornos de salud conductual y otras necesidades que las hacen vulnerables a la mala salud, la discapacidad y la muerte prematura. Los programas de HCH ofrecen atención primaria y conductual integral de alta calidad, gestión de casos y otros servicios de apoyo para satisfacer las necesidades de las personas que carecen de una vivienda estable. Los servicios se centran en prácticas de atención informadas por el trauma que proporcionan curación, elección, seguridad y confianza, a la vez que capacitan a las personas como defensores de su propio cuidado.

The National Health Care for the Homeless Council works to improve the delivery of healthcare services to people experiencing homelessness by providing comprehensive technical assistance and advocacy support to HCH grantees. National Health Center Week is a time to honor and celebrate the work being done at HCH organizations and to advocate for policies that end homelessness by providing comprehensive housing as a basic human right.

8 de agosto | Día del Centro de Salud para Trabajadores Agrícolas

In 1962, the Migrant Health Act was signed by President John F. Kennedy authorizing the delivery of primary and supplemental healthcare services to migrant farmworkers, resulting in the Migrant Health Center program. This landmark agreement sowed the seeds for what would later become the Community Health Center Program. Today, Community Health Centers serve more than 1 million migratory and seasonal agricultural workers, approximately 20% of the total estimated agricultural worker population in the United States.

En los 50 estados hay trabajadores agrícolas emigrantes, y unos 175 Centros de Salud Comunitarios reciben financiación suplementaria para atender a esta población especial, de la que alrededor del 30% son niños. Los Centros de Salud para Migrantes tienen un sólido historial de ofrecer lo que algunos consideran nuevas ideas: los trabajadores sanitarios comunitarios han sido la columna vertebral de las operaciones durante décadas. También son comunes las despensas de alimentos, los programas de educación, la asistencia bancaria, la ayuda para obtener la licencia o el carné de identidad, el apoyo a la vivienda y la ropa, los servicios jurídicos y los programas recreativos.

In 2015, the National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC) teamed up with the National Center for Farmworker Health (NCFH) to launch the Ag Worker Access Campaign. The campaign’s goal is to develop more effective strategies to increase access to care for migrant and seasonal agricultural workers and their families. Migrant Health Program grantees are critical to ensuring access to quality primary and preventive care for patients who might otherwise go without.

9 de agosto | Día de Agradecimiento al Paciente

For the first time in history, Community Health Centers served more than 30 million patients in 2021. A legacy more than 60 years in the making, the Community Health Center movement began as a journey of building power among people within their unique communities. Today, Community Health Centers represent the largest network of primary care providers in America. Community Health Centers serve 1 in 11 people in the U.S. including:

  • 1 de cada 9 niños y adolescentes

  • 1 de cada 7 minorías raciales y étnicas

  • 1 de cada 6 beneficiarios de Medicaid

  • 1 de cada 5 personas sin seguro

  • 1 de cada 3 personas en situación de pobreza

Además, la política federal exige que al menos el 51% de los miembros de la junta de los centros de salud comunitarios sean pacientes de los centros de salud a los que representan. Los miembros de la junta directiva que son consumidores ofrecen voluntariamente su tiempo y experiencia para ser la voz de otros que son atendidos por el centro de salud en términos de raza, etnia, género y estatus socioeconómico. Celebramos a los pacientes y a los miembros de la junta de la comunidad que hacen que los centros de salud comunitarios sean responsables de satisfacer las necesidades de las comunidades locales.

10 de agosto | Día de agradecimiento a las partes interesadas

Thanks to a continuous emphasis on delivering patient-centered care that results in positive outcomes, Community Health Centers have received bipartisan political support for more than 50 years. And, while the Health Center Program originated at the federal level, widespread legislative support for Community Health Centers exists across state and local governments as well. Building a stronger, more sustainable Community Health Center movement is reliant on continuous engagement with stakeholders at all levels of policy. National Health Center Week presents the perfect opportunity to show appreciation for elected officials and their legislative staff.

11 de agosto | Día de Agradecimiento al Personal del Centro de Salud

The incredible value Community Health Centers bring to their patients and communities is rooted in the diligent work of more than 270,000 staff and volunteers across the U.S. These individuals are deeply committed to the Community Health Center mission to provide high-quality healthcare services to all people, regardless of income or insurance status. Additionally, the Community Health Center workforce contributes to nearly $63 billion in economic activity generated in communities where health centers are located. We are grateful for Community Health Center staff and volunteers, today and every day!

12 de agosto | Día de la Salud Infantil

More than 8.6 million children in the United States receive primary care from a Community Health Center. National Health Center Week is the perfect time to engage your youngest patients as they prepare to return to school. From well-child checks to book drives, health centers can help children be healthy, strong, and empowered now and in the future. The National Association of Community Health Centers is proud to partner with Sesame Street in Communities to provide integrated tools and resources that address topics impacting child development and social support needs. Sesame Street in Communities is a bilingual, multimedia initiative that features hundreds of FREE activities ranging from the alphabet to health and wellness, and tougher topics like coping with traumatic experiences. These resources help build resilience in children and the adults who care for them. Explore the site to find printable materials, videos, games, professional development tools, and more to feature in your National Health Center Week activities and beyond.

Centro Comunitario de Salud Sunshine

1-907-376-2273 (ATENCIÓN)

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